
 Piazza Italia


Piazza Italia S.p.A. with the adoption of the Code of Ethics, expresses the commitment to operate in the conduct of business and corporate activities, as well as in compliance with the laws and regulations in force, also in compliance with certain ethical principles and behavioral standards. The Code represents the set of values ​​pursued by Piazza Italia S.p.A. in carrying out its business activities, defining the guiding principles of its conduct.

The objectives of the Code are corporate management according to criteria of ethics and professional correctness and economic efficiency in internal relationships (top management, management, employees, collaborators) and with stakeholders external to the company (business and market), in order to encourage unambiguous behavioral guidelines and the consolidation of a positive corporate reputation.

ethical company


Sensitive to the need to spread and consolidate the culture of transparency and integrity and aware of the importance of ensuring conditions of correctness in the conduct of business and corporate activities to protect the position and its image and reputation and the expectations of all stakeholders, Piazza Italia has decided to adopt the Organisation, Management and Control Model provided for by Legislative Decree no. 231/2001, establishing the reference principles.

Although the adoption of the Model by companies is not mandatory, but only optional, the Company intends to adopt the Model envisaged by the Decree also in order to raise awareness of all those who promote in the name and on behalf of the same, so that they observe - in carrying out of their activities and duties - correct behavior, such as to prevent the risk of committing the crimes envisaged by the Legislator.

organisation, management and control model


Whistleblowing is a tool through which an employee and collaborator of an organization, whether public or private, has the possibility of reporting to specific individuals or bodies a violation, a crime or an illicit act committed by other individuals belonging to the organization.

Its main purpose is to allow organizations to address the reported problem as soon as possible, making situations of risk or damage known and contributing to the prevention and fight against any illicit acts.

The internal reporting channels activated by Piazza Italia S.p.A. have been entrusted to the management of an individual within the company organization (“Internal Reporting Manager”), with autonomy and specifically trained to manage the reporting channel.

All the Company’s interlocutors can therefore report to the Internal Reporting Manager, in an ABSOLUTELY CONFIDENTIAL manner, a violation, a crime or an illicit act committed by individuals belonging to the corporate organization of Piazza Italia S.p.A. through:

or Reports in written form:

I) through a digital platform, accessible at the link whistleblowing , based on the encryption at the origin of the report, which guarantees the integrity and non-violation of the content, while allowing access only to the Report Manager. The chosen digital platform, called “Whistleblowing Management Tool - Iubenda”, is of primary level in terms of security measures and protection of the privacy of the reporter. The instructions for proceeding with the sending of reports via the platform are provided step by step by the platform itself, which guides the reporter in entering data and until the report has been correctly sent.

II) by registered mail with return receipt to the address of the Report Manager, with domicile elected at the registered office of the Company located in Nola (NA), Interporto Campano, Lotto D1. In this case, in order to guarantee confidentiality and avoid inappropriate use of the data, the report must be contained in a double envelope, the first with the identifying data of the reporting person together with a photocopy of the identification document; the second with the report, so as to separate the identifying data of the reporting person from the report. Both envelopes must be placed in a third envelope bearing the address and the specific heading "RESERVED for the Internal Reporting Manager".

or Reporting verbally:

III) Direct telephone call to the Internal Reporting Manager at the following telephone number 0813124137, available in the following time slot 9-13 from Monday to Friday.

News of alleged violations of the Code of Ethics adopted by Piazza Italia and its Organization, Management and Control Model, adopted pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/01, may also be addressed to the Internal Reporting Manager, using the methods just indicated.

For any need or clarification regarding whistleblowing, it is also possible to contact the Internal Reporting Manager at the email address

This address, although managed exclusively by the Internal Reporting Manager, does not constitute a specific reporting channel in the strict sense pursuant to Legislative Decree 23/24, as it is NOT adequate to guarantee the confidentiality standards required by Legislative Decree 23/24, but it can be used for any other communication or request to the Internal Reporting Manager.

For further information and clarifications and for the regulation of the processing of data communicated during the reports made, please refer to the documents listed below, which can be consulted at the integrated link.

1) General Whistleblowing Information

2) Whistleblowing Privacy Information

3) Whistleblowing Procedure

4) Appointment of Internal Reporting Manager”

Via the following link: whistleblowing