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Returns and Refunds

How can I make a return?

  • Log in to your personal area

  • Click on "Orders and Returns"

  • Select the order you want to return

  • Click on "Submit a return"

  • Select the items you want to return and decide how you want to return your products

Decide where to return your items if in a Piazza Italia Store or in an Authorized Pudo Centre

Returned in store

  • Select the store in the list

  • Then click on CREATE RETURN NOW

  • Print or confirm the page and show it at the checkout.

Returned in PUDO

  • Click on Return to a Pudo

  • Then click on CREATE RETURN NOW

  • Keep and show the Q-r Code in Authorized Pudo Centers.

It is not necessary to print anything, prepare the package and in the partner center they will print the label.

If you don't have an account and want to return click here: https://www.piazzaitalia.it/it-it/account/check-order